19th-31st JanuaryWhere do the days go!
All goes well at No. 1 Kauri Place.
Stuart has had a roll around the drive on the mower....a practice run without any grass.

Stuart continues along his road to recovery. Has got the work/ physio timetable working well and continues to enjoy work. Marcus continues to push him to his limits at physio.
Stuart and Amy both survived Sydney's Big Day Out, they had a great time.
The BDO was amazing, Amy and I flew up on the Thursday and traveled down to Wollongong together. After spending the few days catching up with friends Dave, Myself and a few other mates headed up to Sydney on the Saturday. Highlight bands seen were The Temper Trap, Passion Pit, Miami Horror, Lily Allan and Muse. It was a bit different this time around as last time I was at the BDO I didn't have my wheelchair. But everyone was helpful and it was relativly easy to get around.
