Hey Mum,
I had a great day today, Dave came up from Wollongong at lunch time and didn't leave until 9pm.Tom and Marg also came for a few hours which was nice. Tom asked me a serious question today, he asked "how did you manage to last 20 hours?". I thought for a minute or two and just said, "I knew that I would be found, I had a goal that day to crawl to the road, try and get near the bike no matter what. I was not going to spend another night outside! I kept thinking postive like I am now, I know I'll walk out of this hospital". We then ventured down to the AFL oval on the hospital grounds where we just caught the last few minutes of Ben's game, but stayed to watch 1st grade play. We then made our way back up to the hospital and got a coffee downstairs. By the time we all finished coffee's it was dinner time, I transfered my self back into bed and managed to get my own shoes and pants off which was such a great feeling. We sat watching Slumdog Millionair whilst waiting for the France Vs Aus game to start, Dave stayed until half time It was good to have him here today. I spiked another tempreture again, hit 39.2 degrees tonight, but I still feel ok, no headache or high blood pressure, Hamish the good doc came and checked on me, said it could be my bodies tempreture control not quite working as it should. He said it starts at the top of your spine and runs the whole way down the spine. He also said that he has never seen it before, but his boss has seen it in other patients so hopfully its that. They are going to take blood again in the morning to run more tests. I hope they can work out what it is soon.

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