Up and about in our motel room early after a pretty restless night, although Stuart says he slept well.
Easy drive down Victoria Rd to Royal Rehab(Moorong). We were greeted by the staff, a bit early for them. They had only just put the mattress on his bed. He is rooming with Vince and Clive and has a window bed. We were taken for a quick tour and then back to the dining room to have Stuart's observations, falls risk and other forms completed. Our next port of call was the front office to meet Maureen who completed Stuart's admission paperwork, they all seem to struggle with the spelling of Wantabadgery and most certainly have no idea where it is. Maureen took us for another tour, part of her job description and gave us another view of Moorong.
It was exciting to see Graham, Alan, Melissa, Allison, Greg, Billah, and Vince, they had all been patients on 7D at RNS with Stuart. They had all made progress with their rehab, many had new electric chairs and were trialling manual chairs.

We helped Stuart unpack and get settled, not a lot of storage space. he will hve a full time job keeping his patch tidy I think.
Stuart went to the dining room for lunch with his fellow rehabers and Iain and I went Putney Shopping centre for our lunch. It is the nearest to Moorong, an easy walk down but a difficult trip back if one is in a wheelchair as the road is quite step.
His first physio session as at 2.30 with Stephanie. She did a full assessment of his level of function, looking at his range of movement, strength and flexibility. There was quite a difference between the left and right legs, as we know. Stephanie then got Stuart up walking with the Canadian crutches, he did really well. Walked up to the yellow box on the floor and then down the red line. the red belt around his waist is called a johnnie belt, gives something for Stephanie to hold if stuart needs help keeping his balance. He then had a go on the 4WW, but did not get so far....the body was pretty tired by now. Very little if any leg spasm today as he was working out. After physio we spent some time in the gym(physio room) chatting with Graham and some of the other patients. Stuart is able to go into the gym anytime and do upper body work on the weights machines. Stuart also got the physios to tick the boxes of his check list form to enable him to have day leave in the near future. The Ot has to tick his car transfer box as well.

Trish one of the OT's caught up with stuart in the gym. They discussed his progress so far and his needs for showering and toileting. Will do a trial run tomorrow morning to see what shower chair and seat he needs.
No "Gloris's" on site for a coffee so we went to the games for a Tim Tam and a coffee. Graeme (ward clerk from 7D) came in to say hello.
While in the games room Stuart was seen by Drs Heriseanu and Slee who will be looking after him while at Moorong. He has his planning meeting, goal setting meeting on the 20th October with the rehab team, driving assessment on the 22nd October and his urodynamics testLooks at bladder capacity and function) at RNS sometime in November.
Iain and I let about 5.30, Stuart was having tea in the dinning room.
The last stage of his rehab has began.
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