Sunday, December 20, 2009

Work/physio/work- getting into a routine

Friday 18th December
I was back to work again today. I've have been really enjoying the challenge of work and loving the projects that they have got me working on. Who knows I might not want to go back to the hangar floor.
I was meant to go swimming in the morning but after my long week with heading to Sydney on Monday and back to work Wednesday, 4:30 was just a little bit to early to get out of bed. Once I get used heading back to work I should be fine to make it to the early morning physio sessions. I'm sorry it's been a while between posts, my days are getting rather busy now. But I will try to get some words up once a week.


Thursday 17th December
Stuart and the girls had a quiet morning at home before heading off to physio. I went to collect him and again was too late to see him in doing his physio routine. Had finished his workout and was on the plinth with the electro stimulation working away on his back. Will be there on Tuesday to catch some of the action. He has been standing on a wabble board. I am looking forward to seeing that as it is an exercise I find quite difficult.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah Stu - I'm rather upset that the posts are a little sluggish. Perhaps you could start writing up the blog before swimming or perhaps on your way to the airport or during phisio even. Give youself a break - happy to keep abreast of your recovery as and when time permits.
