This morning was a lazy wake up after my big couple of days. Dad came in early as he was leaving for the NSW Junior Road Nationals at 10.30. Dave from OT suggested doing some stairs this morning. He had found a set of 3 flights with 15 steps in each and we had the right number of watchers to give it a go. It was rather daunting sitting at the top looking down, but once you are over the first step you just use your feel on the wheels to know where the chair is in relation to the next step and plop you drop down to the next one.I guess there is no going back, just have to keep going down. After two runs down the stairs I was very tired, the helpers could just walk back up the steps, I had to roll all the way back around the top.

On the way back from OT Alanna told me that whilst I was away a Rep for a new standing chair had come in and left one for me to have a go on. It's hard to explain but it had a gas strut under the seat which would help push the back rest and seat upright to form a vertical backrest. The photos help show how it works. It was good to stand in, and wheel around even though it was an extra 10kg than my chair. It would be great to stand up at the bar and have a beer with the boys rather than be sitting all the time. It could be handy in the workplace as well, getting things on higher shelves etc. I wheeled around to 7D in the standing chair showing a few other patients what it could do, then back to the gym to do some stretches.

I went back to the gym after lunch and had it to myself. I was fitted with a new leg brace and a things called AFO's which hold my ankle and foot up so my toes are always pointed. With this new bit of machinery I was able to waddle down the parallel bars still using my arms a lot to balance my body though. I unfortunately forgot my camera so there were no photos. On Monday I'll be giving it another go and there will be a camera, hopefully Dad will be there to.
Emma was highly impressed with the kick action! Keep up the fantastic efforts.
ReplyDeleteYou didn't barrack hard enough of Saturday evening!!