His legs were still tired from Monday's effort so he moved to the plinth to do some stretching and also show me that he could crawl...have to crawl before you walk!!!

We then had a 12 o'clock meeting with Susan, the OT who has been appointed by life time care and support and Alanna his OT at RNS. It was a get to know you and informal chat to look at any house modifications and aids that Stuart may need to live at home now and in the future. His needs will no doubt change as he continues to gain strength and progress with his rehab.
Stuart had the paperwork from Catherine (social worker) to take to the RTA to get his parking permit. So off to Nth Sydney we went, new territory for Stuart, but where I had been last night. The RTA office was a bit further from the station in the chair than it looked on the map, plus it was all up hill. We managed, but I did have to help just a little. Bit of a wasted effort though as the paperwork was not quite complete so he will have to return with the right name and provider number another day. Such is life. It was a lot easier getting back to Greenwood Plaza and the station..yes all down hill. We found the food court and had a very late lunch before catching a cab over to the Dentist in Mosman. Stuart did very well and managed to negotiate a couple tricky stairs and get into a normal taxi for the trip across.
I managed to get the before photo in the sun out the front.
An hour later, what a great job. He looks like a new man. He is not showing the tooth much in the after photo with the dental team though. Will have to wait until the weekend to get another shot.

Stuart and I rolled and walked around to Keston Ave to pick-up the camera and zoom lens that Stuart is going to take photos of planes and stuff from the top of the hospital carpark. Will keep him occupied and out of mischief. He then surprised himself and was able to pull himself up into a wheelchair accessible bus without using the ramp. We caught the bus down to Mosman Wharf and had a beer watching the ferries come in. Tristan's flat overlooks the wharf. We had a most enjoyable Thai meal on Military Rd and then went back to Mary and Sid's in Mosman for a coffee and a chat. They could not get over how much better Stuart looked, some colour in his face, increased leg movement and how much easier he got up the front steps since the last visit(which was back on the 1st of August) We put him in a cab back to RNS at about 9.30pm and I think he was tucked in bed by 10...would shower tomorrow.
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