Physio started today for Stuart with a stretch of his hanmstrings and then up and off with the 4WW(he calls it his granny frame). He almost made it around the room, had to stop and sit half way. I arrived to find him sitting on the seat of the granny frame having a rest. he then got up and finished the circuit before returning to the plinth. Marcus then showed him another strengthening/control exercise for his quads using a rubber strap. Finished off as usual with some electro stimulation on his gluts and lower leg.

We then ventured back down to the shops and got a birthday present and the new tyres. Rob had ordered some "schwalbe marathon plus" for Stuart. They fitted them, took a couple of goes to get the writing rolling the right way on one wheel though. Stuart is in heaven, they make the ride so much softer and roll more efficientely. They also seem to grip to pavement better and allow him to corner with style. They also look cool.

It was then home to Kauri Pl for altantic salmon for tea, one of his favourite meals. Cousin Luke called in after work, Stuart enjoyed the chat. Just good to catch up and be doing it out of the hospital environment.
Gosh - It's great to see a degree of normality coming back - and even better to see the enormous strides you are making in your recovery (I mean that both ways - the physical and the figurative!!).Being home in Wagga is obviously a tonic.