Stuart was up dressed and ready when Tristan, Meaghan and I arrived. We went downstairs for breakfast. The boys will miss each other again, mind you hopefully Stu will be back in Sydney at Moorong by October and they will be reunited for a short period.

It was then back up stairs to collect his discharge medications, make our last farewells and we caught the taxi at 10.30 to the airport. We were booked in and were on the plane by midday, touching down in Wagga Wagga by 1255. Was a beautiful day for flying and just so good to be home.

We all went back to Kauri Pl for lunch with Nandi and Pa. Our good friends Kym and John from Broken Hill called in as well.

Stuart was admitted to Calvary about 3.30, room 310(the penthouse) on St Annes East. A room with a view at last, looking north over the river to the Uni, Malebo hill and beyond. Dr Brady came and admitted Stuart...the hard work will start on Monday with Marcus and his physio team. We are all very happy to have Stuart home and to be at home.
Great to hear that you are safely back in Wagga. Will keep watching your progress. Busy finding Emma a unit in the inner city. Has 2 jobs. Will ring Mum once all sorted and get the latest updates. Enjoy being home and keep up the gret work. Love the Powell's