Thursday, June 25, 2009

Long day at the office

Thursday 25th June

Thursday started much the same with a shower etc. He was then seen by his Doctor and is to start on another IV antibiotic tonight to try get on top of the fevers at night, he feels the infection is in his chest.Stuart not overly enthusiastic at he thought of another cannula.
We then had a surprise visit from Rodney and Mary(from Newcastle). Rodney and I left them and wandered down to St Leonards station for a coffee. Stuart got himself around to physio after the 1.30 lift round, but got caught short and had to go back to the ward and get transferred onto the commode. After along sit he eventually got back into his chair but he missed both physio and his OT appointments.
We had a consult with the dietician. This was very successful as he will go onto a full diet and increase his calorie and protein intake. She informed Stuart that his seruum(blood level) protein was low.He will now get more options on his menu and between meal snacks, plus protein drinks.
Amy arrived from Woollongong and we headed downstairs for a smoothie, but alas he had to scoot back up stairs again and transfer to the commode, he is thinking that he might reduce his aperients to once a day.
Iain , Jessica and Maggie arrived from Wagga Wagga at 5ish and we had a lovely hour together.We left him ready to settle for the night. The girls and Iain keen to join Stuart at physio tomorrow morning.

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