Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Hot as hell!

Tuesday 3rd November
Had a meeting with the Psychologist this morning and it was nice to sit down a have a chat, she showed me a few problem solving skills which I can use. Spent the rest of the morning unpacking my bags from the weekend at home and doing some washing. I then went and got a wheelchair scripted. I'm getting this one done so if I decided to go that one I can just say yes and it will be made and delivered to my door in 4 weeks. I also got told that the chair I really want to give a go of has been ordered today and should be here in 3 weeks, hopfully before I leave for Wagga. If not I'll have to come back to Sydney to get it for a trial.
In my physio session I did some leg work on the tilt table. First doing some squats, following by some heal raises. It's amazing how well the right leg is coming along. Viv wanted to stimulate it with the electrodes, on my shin muscles that lift you foot up with my leg out straight today, normaly I would do it with my knee bent slightly. After using the FES I was actually able to raise my foot ever so slightly whith my knee at 90 degrees. I've not been able to do this yet so it was a great releif to see it move, even if it was just a few milimeters. We are off to Gary Foleys tomorrow which is a gym where some big name paraolympians train, will be interesting. Not sure what to expect but it will still be exciting.
I managed to do some walking in the afternoon but it was short lived, the hot weather I had whilst I was back in Wagga has seemed to follow me back to Sydney. I started to get head spins and had to sit down after a short walk.


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