Morning session with Vivian, did some leg work myself on the stairs myself. I then got onto the plinth and Vivian did some more muscle test for my discharge next week.
Driving again today, all going really well. One more lesson and Gary will send the paperwork to the RTA and then when it comes back I can go in and get my new licence. I just cannot wait, means so much and will give me back some independence. Just to get in the car and to go where I want, to my physio with Marcus, the pool and after a week or two at home maybe even to work.
Got my model car going again too which is a lot of fun, managing to get some speed out of it now. Just got my fingers crossed I don't break anything again soon.
Monday 9th November
I met Stuart in physio this morning and yes I took some photos!! He was on the plinth when I arrived with the FES on his right leg. He then did some exercises on the parallel bars. Standing on a stool on his left leg and lifting his right foot.

He followed this with some boxing, with his splint on his right leg and standing between the bars. Stuart did the hitting, great exercise for his balance and core strength.

Finished off the session by showing me how well he is doing going down and then back up the ramp out the back. Stuart was wearing his skins and felt that they were making a difference.

He then had a short meeting with Trish (OT), she had arranged for him to have an extra driving lesson later today. The four of us had lunch together in the rec room, Stuart and Jess had a game of pool. Stuart was the winner, Jess reckons she needs more practice???
At 1.30 we had our meeting with LTCS- Graham, Debbie his case manager and the Moorong team. Was a meeting to discuss Stuart's progress towards discharge on the 20th of November. Checking that all the equipment etc that he needs at home has been scripted and ordered, medications and catheter requirements. Also looking at his team when we get home, physio back with Marcus, a regular chemist and finding a GP and psychologist. Hopefully some temporary ramps will be installed before he comes home. If we are lucky the Marvel chair might have arrived before discharge as well so Stuart can trial it at home. All the equipment that Stuart needs and his ongoing treatments has to be approved by LTCS. The home modifications are still being processed by LTCS and we are hoping that we will manage at home as we are for the moment.

We left Stuart chatting to Billal out the front waiting for Gavin, the driving instructor.

Gavin and I headed around to homebush again today to check out where the new V8 Supercar race will be held, there are going to be some narrow straights on it. We didn't get as far as we would have liked though as the traffic was chaos. I'll only need one more lesson with Gavin and he will send the paper work off. It would have been nice to have my licence for this weekend but there is a bit of a delay with the RTA when it comes to paper work so it may have to wait until I get home for good. Still not far to go now.
Sunday 8th November
We had planned to have the day at Balmoral Beach but I'm afraid the weather as not kind.....overcast and drizzling ( a bit different to the weather in Wagga) So we packed our picnic and headed off the Macquarie Shopping Centre. It was huge, but quite easy to get around. Got a bit confused with the split levels which were connected by ramps. Easy for Stuart, especially when going down. He was able to use the lift when the going got a bit tough uphill. We had our picnic in the food court overlooking the ice rink. Great entertainment, the little kids were having so much fun and there were some very nervous older folk making their way around the ice. Am sure there will be a few bruises for some tomorrow!!!
We parted company with Amy and Dave who were heading back to the Gong.
Stuart went to Rebel sport to get his Skins. The entrance to the store was up 4 steps and the lift was out of order. Stuart was able to drag himself up with the handrail, a little harder to go down. If he was unable stand he would not have been able to get into the store. Stuart had a look at some binoculars and is now the proud owner of a pair, a late birthday present.
We found our way back to the car and with the help of Lee Garmin (GPS) made our way to Mosman to see Mary and Sid. They were amazed at Stuart's progress. We struggled to get up the front steps the first visit and he had a difficult time getting himself off the lounge. Did it easy today.
Tris and Meaghan joined us for tea at the Mosman Rowers, it was rather pleasant watching the ferries come and go. Emma Powell was waiting for us when we got back to Moorong, yet another full day.
Saturday 7th November
Jess, Maggie and I headed back down to Sydney, calling in on some friends at Orimbah for breakfast on the way through. We had not seem them for some time, was great to touch base.
Stuart had a weights session in the gym in the morning and we arrived after lunch. Got the keys and got ourselves settled into our rooms at the Village (on site accommodation for families at RRCS).

We had a game of catch with a tennis ball while waiting for the cab to take us into the city to meet Amy and made our way to the Aquarium. It was a return visit for Stuart and Maggie, but a first for the rest of us. We spent a couple of hours wandering around, even though there were lots of other folks about it was not to difficult to get around. Stuart found it OK, easier in the current chair. It was very peaceful in many ways, the fish I guess are quiet swimming around in their large and sometimes small fish tanks. The variety in size, shape and colour of the fish was just amazing. I was a little distressed as we left as I had managed to drop my new prescription sunglasses (in their case) in the Dugong tunnel. Alas they were nowhere to be seen when I went back.

We then made our way back into the CBD to met Dave off the train fro Woolongong before making our way back to Moorong for a home cooked meal of curried sausages, dal and rice. Stuart and Amy particularly enjoyed the meal. Stuart was rather tired when I took him back up the hill to bed.
Friday 6th November
Busy day for the 3 Human's in Newcastle. Started with some shopping for Maggie for her formal(shoes). Managed to get a meal at Rarj on Darby with Tom and then back to the Uni to finish packing up and cleaning Jess's room. We were well loaded by the time we left, lucky we weren't picking up Amy like this time last year.... there was no room in the Nissan.
I had a normal day today with physio Vivian and then I did some upper body weights myself until lunch time. After lunch I had a nap for a while before heading to the Bowling club for Alans farewell as he leaves on Saturday morning for home. Rob, Al and I rolled down at around 3 in the afternoon. It was a bloody good afternoon for it. It felt kinda normal to just sit and have a quite drink with a few friends. I can't wait to do that back at home. I was lucky enough to win a meat raffle too which was good and bad. On the way home with the meat tray on my lap I had to negotiate a steep gutter which I failed terribly. Tray and I both ended up on the deck. Alans first worry was for the meat which was also my first worry. I managed to get back into the chair rather easily and we were on our way again. Rather funny though, but not bad for only my second fall in 5 months.
Thursday 5th November
Maggie and I headed to Newcastle this morning. A big adventure for the two of us, Maggie had her first drive on the Hume highway with her L's and did very well. We arrived in time to meet Jess at Evatt House (her digs at Uni) and take a load of her gear back to the Powell's for the Xmas break.
I had a morning pool session with Vivian. The strength in my legs is improving so much. I was not able to cycle the left leg back and forth in the water, but it did get tired very quickly. I did a few squats and calf raisers after the cycling. I then headed back upstairs for a shower.
After lunch I had another driving lesson with Gavin, Today he decided to go on a nice long trip so we headed off to Mascot airport via Sydney's inner west. We ended up getting a coffee at McDonalds, which was to practice my slow speed handling... and then cruized around to the control tower to watch a few planes take off. The mound where you park also gave me a chance to practice some more slow speed rough terrain driving too.
After we sat for a few minutes we headed off. Gavin chose to take me home via the city, down the eastern distributor, over the Harbour Bridge and Lane cove tunnel then back to the Hospital. This was the longest drive I've done so far and it felt good to be in a car. People look in the window and they don't know that when I get out I'll be pulling a chair out too.
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