Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Last Day!!!

Friday 20th November
Liked being in the transition room. Have not been on my own for most of the 6 months. Can have the radio on triple J!!!!
Mum and Dad found me in physio trying out new piece of equipment. Using the FES to stimulate my muscles and also connected to a special exercise bike which fired the muscles needed to cycle in the correct order. It worked really well.
Went down to Putney shops for lunch and then went over to RNS to say our good byes.

Will be 24 weeks tomorrow since Stuart's accident. He has made a remarkable recovery, all so very pleased with his progress over that time. So many people were involved in Stuart's recovery. Starting with ...who found him on the side of the road near Wantabadgery, the ambulance officers, staff in A & E at WWBH, the air retrieval team. Then the orthopeadic surgeon and his team did there bit and the staff on 7D- the spinal team (Drs, nurses, wardsmen , surgical dressers etc) social workers, OT's and physios. To name you all would be impossible but thanks for your professional care and support to all of us over the last 6 months. It has been quite a journey, one that we have all taken at short notice. A big thanks to our also to our friends , family and work mates for your care and support as well as reading this blog over the last few months. Thanks so much for sharing our journey
We went to the local Bowling Club for tea with Allison and her sister Sally, Rob and his parents. We had a lovely meal and left the young ones at about 9pm

1 comment:

  1. To Stu. and Janet
    It has been a great privalege to have been able to share your journey via this blog. We have been party to your incredible highs and lows, your frustrations, humour, pathos and dogged determination and amazing achievements set in a backdrop of love and honesty. All power to you and may your journey continue surely to a destination of your choosing and may fate, from now on, be kind!
