I arrived to find Stuart still on the commode chair having just finished his toilet duties, he had had a chat with Catherine the social worker about lifetime care and support and some options for filling in time before he goes to Moorong.
It was then off to physio, he started the session on the ergo. Peddling away for 25 minutes doing a total of 127metres.....97 (21.20mins) of them with Stuart doing the work and 30 metres the motor/ machine doing the work. He then transferred onto the red table to do some leg work with the slings and springs. Stuart also did some stretching, Alex showing us some that we can do to help him as well.

We went back to the ward for lunch and I went down stairs to get an afters treat. When I got back to the ward Stuart was into his second lunch. A couple of the post graduate nurses were moving to their next ward and they had brought in lunch for the staff and he had scored a serve. It was a beautiful red Thai curry and spring rolls(all home cooked). I was also lucky enough to get some too.
We then caught up with Alanna to talk about shower chairs and to see if we could start the ball rolling as far as getting fitted for one for home. Hopefully the rep will come next week, it is quite a process and apparently lots of options......shape of the whole in the seat, length ,height of the foot rests etc.
We also had a chat with Lucy who was happy with Stuart's Xray and ultrasound. The results of his urine culture have come back and he is now on a more specific antibiotic for his infection.
It was then time to go down to Gloria's for our arvo coffee, Pat a new patient from Bathurst joined us.
Stuart was getting ready to have his evening meal as I left!!!! Yes another helping of the Thai curry. Lucky boy.