Thursday 23rd July
Usual start to day and then round to physio. Quiet in gym as Damo and Alex were away so I did some upper body stretching on the plinth. Only Alison an I so we had Victoria to ourselves. We really have to look after our shoulders as they now do double the work (arms and legs). Continued to do more wheelchair work on the steps (x2) and gutters. Steps are ticked off, Dave feels that I have mastered them. Am almost there with gutters, I can get up a couple of times and then muck up the next attempt. Guess at the moment I will have to find another way around or get help up the gutter when I am out and about.
After OT we had another appointment with Nick (dentist). He is happy with his work so far on the root canal and nerve, have a more permanent temporary crown in place and he will start measuring for the real crown in a couple of weeks. Woo Hoo. I left him my thumb drive with loads of music to download if he wants, we have similar tastes Before catching the cab back to RNS we had a flick around a photography exhibition (of the Sydney fish markets) in the Mosman Art gallery.
40 cm and climbing
Friday 24th July
Getting into a morning routine: now all washed, dressed and managing self catheterization no worries before 11 am physio. Had a good session today with Alex pushing me to do vertical lifts from one plinth to another. 40 cm was my highest lift and it felt good - only 7 more cm and I will be able to lift myself from the ground into my chair. Getting more and more upper body strength each day.

30 cm vertical lift

40cm lift
Tris Mum and I had lunch in the cafeteria then sat outside in the sun waiting for Sue, Luke and Matt to collect Mum for the trip back to Wagga. Tris and I then caught the train into the city where we had plans to find a book shop to get a book for Tristan and a DVD for me. We set our for Borders which we knew was on Pitt St, we found it after a while, but it was closed for renovations, so we just wondered further down the street, had a coffee in the Queen Victoria Building, I thinks that's what it's called. The trip was also a test of my wheelchair skills out in the real world. The only real help that I needed from Tristan was for large gutters and a steps. I also managed self catheterization in a public toilet which is another great step towards independence.

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