Janet's bit - I am home and hit the supermarket with Maggie. Had lunch with Ray, Wendy, Belinda and Gary before a mini backyard blitz - you can certainly see where we have been, bushes and trees trimmed up. We discovered that the circuit breakers in the fuse box work when Woppa tried trimming with the electric hedger. Then back to work for me, it will be a long night I feel.

Stuart's bit - Today was my first day that I didn't have someone coming in and having the day with me. It was good to have that bit of independence, but I still missed having someone poking their head in and saying hi. I pottered around the morning doing some washing and having a general clean up of my area in the room. In the afternoon I decided to head to Chatswood Mall to watch the new Harry Potter and just have a general look around. It all started out ok, nice little stroll down to the train station, when I got there I found that the trains had been replaced by buses because of track work on the line. So I had to ride the bus there which was ok I've been in them before. But the driver was in a bit of a rush, everytime he took off I would go flying forwards out of the chair into the person sitting in front of me, everytime he went to stop I would be falling backwards until I hit the bag rack behind me. I've just to to learn how to hold on properly, its easier when I am sitting in a normal seat actually. When I arrived to Chatswood bus stop I headed to the lift which would take me under the station, bloody thing was being worked on too, the guy watching the lift took me to a second lift along down the other end of the station so. My day was getting rather interesting. Once in the mall I was ok, found a Boarders which it was Tristan and I were looking when we headed into the city. I rolled around the shop looking for interesting books and listening to some music, came out with one and then headed to Harry Potter. I was able to transfer onto a nice comfy seat in the theatre which was nice, I don't particualy like sitting in the chair all day and if I can get out and sit somewhere else I will. Tristan sent me a message halfway through the movies asking if I wanted to go and see The Hangover that same night. As soon as Harry Potter finished I then headed to get out of the mall, which was harder than I thought it would be. I got out on the wrong lift in the fist place which just messed with my head because then I didn't know if I had to head up or down. Eventually I got out of the place and I was off to get the lift back up to the bus, when I got there the lift was still out of action so I got a guy to stand behind me and I did my first escalator ride. I was a bit scared at first but once I was on I felt fine not to sure what the OT's will think of me doing it, but now I knowcan do it if I'm stuck. I made my way now up to the cab rank because I was not to sure how long i would have to wait for a bus, found a nice bloke with a stationwagon who was willing to fit the chair in the back for me. It made my day after all the little hickup's and being refused buy the first few cabies. Tristan and Meaghan picked me up from the hospital, today was the first time I've ridden in a carseat not in the back on my chair, I felt a lot safer in the car. It was a great to get out of the hospital, made me feel really good. I'm not sick or on bed rest, just nice to be back sort of in the real world doing everyday normal things but in my chair.
Very scary stuff, Whoppa with a power tool!!!!!!!!