Stuart's day started early as well with a full bladder feeling at 5.30-6 o'clock, which he emptied. And then I rang him at 9 to say that Ray and Woppa(Wendy) would be calling in at 10.30 if that was OK.It was a quick turn around for him with bowel care, shower and the 10am self cath. He was up and rolling by the time we arrived. They had to be at Oran Park for Woppa to have a Supercar experience at 1.15, not an experience I would look forward to but something our Stuart would love. They picked me up from Mosman, we had a great time catching up and spent some time in a rather nice garden near the carpark.

Stuart and I then headed down to Gore Hill oval to watch Ben's football(Aussie Rules), it was a beautiful winters afternoon. Another of Stuart's workmates, Nathan and Emily caught up with us at the footy and we then wandered up to 7D for Stuart to attend to his 2pm self catheterization, the staff call it IMC. Stuart enjoyed catching up with Nathan who has recently returned from Finland where he was competing in the world gliding championships.

We then headed back to our secret garden and spent some time in the sun. Stuart wanted to roll over onto the grass and get out of his chair and lay down, slight problem of getting back into the chair, that will come in time. The vertical lifts that he does in physio well allow him to get down onto the GRASS in the future.
Stuart was in bed by 4.30, ready to do some stretches and watch the rugby/cricket/cycling....a big night of sport.

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