Stuart got the staff to give him some analgesia overnight(at 0400hrs), so this morning he woke up free of pain and not stiff. It was off to physio as usual. Started with some cycling, followed by hopping onto the table for some leg work in the sling. He was able to point his left foot from the ankle and also pull his knee towards his body by using his quads. The right leg alas is still on holiday. Alex was really impressed in how its going, just got to get the other one to start moving. Though it does have more feeling than the left. Alex then pulled out a text book showing the spinal cord in detail, we were asking why some people get different types of return. It was good to see some pictures and words on it all, no one has really sat us down like this before. I think it was also a refresher for Alex.

We then headed down to the Forum to meet Jess, who had flown in from Wagga for the night before heading back to Uni in Newcastle. Sue, Luke and Matt Garlan also caught up with us for some lunch. We had a good time, but did not enjoy the local wildlife - many McDonald's fed pigeons. Had to duck a few times as they flew in looking for scraps.

No OT this afternoon so Stuart went back to the afternoon physio session to do some stretching on the plinth. It was then to Gloria's for our regular coffee, bit windy to head outside today. We then tried to work out a way to get into Tristan's Honda CRV. After a few um's and ar's we had a few idea's but we will leave it until we try it with Dave.
Combined words by Stuart and I today.
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