We then headed down to The Forum(train station) to meet Rodney, Mary and Jeremy. Stuart and I practiced our wheelchair skills on the way. It was great to catch up and be outdoors. they then walked back with us, Jeremy helping Stuart just a little to get up the hill so that we would get to physio on time. Stuart was extremely happy with the purple quickie chair, it felt more sturdy, rolled easier especially on the carpet and rough concrete. The angle of the back rest can be adjusted to help Stuart get a better position for pushing uphill.
Physio was extremely tough for Stuart today with some serious hamstring stretches on the plinth followed by some vertical lifts. This are an important skill one needs to get into the wheelchair from the ground or floor, for example to get into your chair if you fall out of your chair or want to say sit on the grass.

It was then off to OT where we spent the session today chatting to Alanna about Stuart's next goals and other things we can start working on prior to heading to Moorong. Things like undressing in the chair, getting a commode to suit his needs and body shape,getting into a car on a slope and continuing to work on the wheelchair skills. Also looking at modifications that will need to be made to 1 Kauri Pl for Stuart to return home after rehabilitation.
We then headed back to the ward, Stuart went to catch up with Melissa an ex room-mate and then had his lunch(at 4.30pm) and then his tea at 5.30. Hoping he can put some weight on!!! Stuart was able to get himself into bed, undressed and connect his urine leg bag to the overnight bag.

The other exciting event today was seeing Graham sitting up in his bed, the physio's sat him up gradually to 55 degrees and turned his bed around so that he could see the sky and the view from the window. It the first time in a few months that he has not been flat on his back, tomorrow he is hoping to get into a highback tilt chair.

All in all another satisfactory day at the office.

G'day Stu, I've been following your progress ever since your mum got this blog up and running. Mate, I can honestly say I now have a greater empathy and a whole different perspective on what people with disabilities have to endure on a daily basis.Things which we take for granted on a daily basis look and must be so vastly different to deal with let alone complete. Reading some of your daily blogs, it seems you are having wayyyyyyyy too much fun in that wheelchair at times....lol With all the physical therapy you are undertaking and the upper body stength you are gaining, by the time you're up and about again you'll have a resemblence in the upper torso like Arnie...lol
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work, maitain high spirits and know that everyone down here is following how you go and wishing you all the very best for a full and speedy recovery...cheers mate Mike B