So while Stuart was in physio showing Alex the art of removing and repairing the inner tube, Dave made some adjustments to the wheelchair. Stuart and Alex's first attempt failed. (the patch leaked) So Stuart retired to the plinth to do some stretches which are important especially when you are in that sitting position and pushing through your arms and shoulders. Tis good to get onto his stomach and stretch, he really does enjoy it. Alex and I then had another go at the puncture repair with success GIRLS RULE, but I do have to admit that we needed his help to get the last 6" of tyre onto the rim.

We then pumped up the tyres and Stuart put them back on the chair.

We then went back to 7D and had lunch together in the sitting room. Stuart was in demand, had an MRI of his R knee at 2pm and Lucy(CNS) was keen to do some education on catheterization. It was all go, so Stuart put the session with Lucy until next week.
So Maggie and I went down in the lift with him on his way to MRI (he had go back into bed for this as the Xray table is to high to transfer to from the chair) We then went back to Mosman prior to heading back to Wagga Wagga tonight. Iain headed back to physio to do some more adjustments to the chair. He swapped the front wheels so that they swivel more freely and changed his brakes to scissor brakes which gives Stuart the ability to push on and through the wheel. They fit under the frame and out of the way when not in use.
Stuart's day was derailed by the dropping of his phone off the plinth in physio. It no longer works, well not very well. Very frustrating as it's one thing that keeps him sane and in touch with all his mates. Hopefully he will get to Chatswood tomorrow and get a replacement.
News flash. I got a call from Stuart at 8.45pm on his mobile, yes it was working.

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