This morning began with the indwelling catheter being removed, it was such a great feeling to be finally free of it. The intermittent self catheterizing is much more comfortable, and a makes mobility that much easier. I am on a fluid restriction of 100mls per hour for a few days and have to catheterize every 4 hrs. Was managing to do this pretty well by the end of the day.
Today at Physio whilst dong the weights session I had a visit from a joint surgeon. He wanted to look at my right knee, where there is cartilage damage(from the MRI they know I have a tear) This involved me getting onto a bed and laying on my back where he moved my knee until it hurt, and my oath it did. I think he though I could not feel anything but Alex assured him I could. He want's to leave the knee and see if it is getting in the way of me during my daily movements and rehab. Alex said to him that I will eventually be weight bearing and should have it sniped and cleaned up. Two different views, it will be interesting to see the outcome. I just want the knee so it dose not hurt when I bend it.
Came back for dinner, and then downstairs with Dad to say good buy as he flew back to Wagga Wagga this afternoon. Then headed back to OT with Dave where I managed to get the run up a low gutter down pat. Yippee.

Mum arrived back in town tonight with Judy and Val(from Canberra). Tristan also called in after work, so we all headed down the road to a nearby Indian restaurant. It was my first real meal outside the hospital, manged to get the chair under the table so I could eat comfortably and the meal was brilliant. It was also fun to put some of my wheelchair skills into use again and to show Judy what I have learn't. Tristan finds the roll of spotter almost as stressful as Mum did at first. They just have to learn to trust me when I am rolling down the hill on the back wheels as I now have the necessary skills and strength to correct my self if I over balance.....I won't fall back and hurt myself!!
wicked shirt stu!